7 min read

How to Pass the IKM Assessment (2023): Tips and Strategies

Nikki Dale
Nikki Dale June 06, 2023
ikm assessment

What is an IKM test?

International Knowledge Measurement (IKM) was originally founded in 1979 after recognizing that there was a real need for skill checks in IT recruiting

They provide a range of testing products that cover:

  • Occupational skills
  • Aptitude tests
  • Language proficiency
  • Coding tests

For IT professional recruitment, tests used include Programming, Development, Administration, and Disaster Recovery, among others. There are also tests specifically for coding, for using software like the Microsoft Office suite, and for evaluating the knowledge of programming languages like Python, Java, and C++.

IKM Tests can also be used for the following role types:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Call Center
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial
  • Sales
  • Staffing

IKM Tests are regularly used in the recruitment process for a number of companies worldwide, including:

  • Walmart
  • Sony
  • Merrill Lynch
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Thomson Reuters

How does the IKM assessment work?

The IKM Assessments are all based on proven testing methodologies, and they can be used for pre-employment screening, establishing training and development needs, and also for workforce planning.

IKM tests are adaptive, which means that they are designed to work with your level of skill and knowledge. The difficulty of each question is determined by how well you answered the previous question - so if you struggled or got it wrong, the next question would be simpler.

Each test consists of 30-50 multiple-choice questions, and you have to answer them in the order that they are presented. In this test, you cannot go back and change your answer to a previous question.

You will have up to an hour to complete the assessment, depending on the test you are taking. Employers often use subsets of tests to create a bespoke assessment that is specific to the role that they are hiring for.

Unlike other multiple-choice tests, there can sometimes be up to three out of five correct answers to each question - you might have to select all of them, or choose the best one.

How hard is the IKM test?

The tests themselves tend to be online multiple-choice assessments that are based on a specific skill or area of expertise, and if you have a good working knowledge of the skill in question, you should be able to answer all the questions.

With this being said the assessment has been designed to evaluate candidates for their suitability and chance of success in a specific role, so the test will be challenging enough to be able to differentiate between similarly qualified candidates - which means you will need to be on top of your game when you are taking the test.

As the test is adaptive, you cannot skip a question, or go back in the test. You can only answer the question that is in front of you.

Can you fail the IKM assessment?

Once you have completed your IKM assessment, an automated Proficiency Profile is created. This is a score report that outlines your performance in the test as well as comparing your results to other test takers.

The Proficiency Profile is a detailed document that includes:

  • Overall score
  • Simple infographic (weak/proficient/strong)
  • Percentile rank compared to other test takers
  • Subject analysis detailing performance in skills areas tested
  • Word/Speed accuracy
  • Application ability - how you can apply knowledge to practical situations
  • Subject coverage - how much you know about a subject

These tests are used in the recruitment process to filter out candidates who do not have the required level of skill, which means that you can fail the IKM Assessment if you do not reach the benchmark score.

If you fail, your application will not be taken further. However, you may be able to apply for the role at a later date and retake the test; it is best to discuss this with the recruitment team.

Tips to pass an IKM test

Know the Test Contents

Although there are multiple subtests that could be used by the recruitment team, you should be able to work out what sort of skills are going to be tested for the role.

The job description will list the technical skills that are needed, so this should be the first place you look when you are starting to prepare. The recruitment team might be able to give you some more information about this, too.

Practice Tests

Practice tests are one of the most important ways to prepare for pre-employment testing.

A practice test that is relevant to the test that you will be taking will help you get familiar with not only the content and the type of questions that you will be facing in the real thing, but also what the structure of the test will be.

When you are completing a practice IKM assessment, you will get to try out relevant questions, answer the questions in the right way, and get used to the layout of the assessment.

The results of the practice test will also help you to develop a revision plan - you will be able to see which questions you found most challenging and cover those areas.

Revise Key Skills

From the practice tests, you will know where you need a little more knowledge - so you can build a revision plan around that. It is perfectly normal to have some blind spots or areas of skill that you find a bit more challenging, and this is the perfect opportunity to brush up.

Dedicate some study time every day so that you know you are at the top of your game when you get to the top of your game.

Prepare Your Space

The IKM Assessment is an online test that you will take at home, so you need to make sure that you are set up and ready. You'll need a reliable internet connection because if you lose connection or take too long to answer because you've lagged out, your assessment will be stopped. It is better to take this assessment on a PC or laptop rather than on a mobile phone.

You need to make sure you are somewhere that you won't be disturbed, and make sure that you turn off all your notifications.

Read the Questions

Although the IKM Assessment is timed, you need to make sure that you take the time to read the questions and the possible answers thoroughly.

Some of the questions might present quite a bit of information, and in some cases, you might have to select from two or three answers that could be correct - taking a bit of time to think these through before selecting so that you don't miss out on the right answer.

Don't Skip

In the IKM Assessment, you are expected to answer the questions that are in front of you. You cannot skip a question, and you cannot go back and change your answer. This is because the assessment is adaptive, so the difficulty of the question will change depending on how well you have answered the previous question.

The assessments are strictly monitored for accuracy and honesty, so if you try to come off the screen the test is on, press certain keys, or spend too long on one question, the assessment will be stopped

Nikki Dale June 06, 2023

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