CGI Assessments

Prepare for the CGI recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Getting A Job At CGI

Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, CGI is a multinational IT consulting company. The company was founded in 1976 and has since become one of the worlds largest IT and business consulting firms. The company has customers in a range of markets and industries, with many clients in the financial industry.

CGI is based in 40 countries with around 400 offices that employ over 70,000 people worldwide. Being such a large and respected player in the IT consulting industry, positions at CGI are highly sought-after, and therefore, the application process is very competitive. However, do not let this dissuade you from applying, as with some focused preparation for each stage, you can put yourself in a good position for success.

CGI Values

Throughout the recruitment process, the hiring team at CGI will be assessing your alignment with the company's values, to determine your cultural fit. Therefore, you should familiarise yourself with them and keep them in mind at each stage.

CGI's values are:

  • Partnership and quality
  • Objectivity and integrity
  • Intrapreneurship and sharing
  • Respect
  • Financial strength
  • Corporate social responsibility

Types Of Roles At CGI

CGI offers a range of positions for those at all stages of their careers, including school leavers, students and graduates, and experienced professionals. CGI's current open positions are listed on their careers website, where you can sort through listings according to experience, industry type, and job category.

Roles are offered in functions across the company, with career opportunities to suit any type of skill set such as customer service, cyber security, and consulting.

CGI offers several programs for students and graduates such as industrial placements and graduate schemes.

Apprenticeships are also available for school leavers, providing an opportunity to gain a degree whilst developing skills and experience to start your career.

Hiring Process At CGI

The hiring process you face when applying to CGI will depend on the level and type of role you are applying to. The hiring process consists of several stages including an online application form, aptitude tests, and an assessment centre.

CGI Online Application

Once you have found the position you would like to apply to on CGI's careers website, you will need to submit an online application form. Firstly, you are asked to create a career profile, which involves providing some basic personal details, followed by some information on your education, and uploading documents like a CV, cover letter, or transcripts.

Your CV should be up to date and tailored to the specific job you are applying to. To tailor your CV, read over the job description and consider how your existing experience and qualifications make you a suitable candidate.

CGI Aptitude Tests

As part of the application process, you may also be asked to complete some aptitude assessments to give the hiring team further insight into your suitability for the position. The assessments you face could include a numerical reasoning test, basic numeracy & comprehension test, verbal reasoning test, or a logical reasoning test.

CGI Numerical Reasoning Test

The numerical reasoning test is designed to assess your ability to solve mathematical problems under pressure. You will typically need to analyse and interpret data presented in tables, graphs, or charts, and apply basic arithmetic to solve the problem.

The questions are presented in a multiple-choice format, however, the math skills required to answer the questions are not that advanced. We recommend brushing up on basic maths functions such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication, as well as having a solid understanding of fractions, ratios, and percentages.

Numerical reasoning tests are timed, so practising sample tests under timed conditions will help prepare you for the real assessment.

CGI Verbal Reasoning Test

Verbal reasoning tests assess your ability to comprehend information and make conclusions from dense paragraphs of text. Firstly, you will be asked to read a passage, before selecting whether a statement is 'true', 'false', or 'cannot say' based on the information you have just read.

Your ability to scan and process information under pressure is also being tested as the assessment is timed.

No prior knowledge about the passage topics is required for the test. As such, you can't 'study' for the tests, however, you can prepare by taking sample questions to familiarise yourself with the format and time pressure of the assessment.

CGI Logical Reasoning Test

A logical reasoning test is an assessment of how you think and apply logic to problem-solve. Typically, you will be presented with a sequence of shapes or diagrams, from which you must deduce the underlying rule that governs the sequence.

You must then apply this rule to the next item in the sequence or the missing item in the sequence.

Logical reasoning tests require you to interpret and process unfamiliar and abstract information. This is a skill you can sharpen by taking practice tests, which can help give you confidence when answering the questions in the real assessment.

CGI Basic Numeracy And Comprehension

You may be asked to complete a basic numeracy and comprehension test. The basic numeracy test is designed to assess your ability to manipulate basic mathematical concepts. The test is based on simple mathematics, so brushing up on topics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division will help.

Similarly to a verbal reasoning test, the basic comprehension tests evaluate your English language and comprehension skills.

CGI Assessment Centre

If you successfully pass the aptitude tests, you may be invited to attend an assessment centre. This consists of various exercises, typically a group exercise, a written exercise, and an interview.

This is a chance for CGI to learn more about you as a person and gain further insight into how you might perform if you were appointed to the position. However, don't forget, this is also an opportunity for you to learn more about CGI and what they are like as an employer.

CGI Group Exercise

You will be placed in groups of 6-10 and will be given 30 minutes to read some information and work as a team to come up with a solution. The recruitment team will be assessing how you work as a team and communicate with others. You do not require any specific knowledge beforehand.

During the group exercise, it is important to actively contribute to the discussion, but also to ensure you listen to everyone in the team.

CGI Written Exercise

This is a hand-written exercise that is designed to assess your written communication skills. You will be provided with a brief on the day and will have to answer one question related to the case study using a report format. The written exercise is timed, with candidates given 30 minutes to complete it.

This exercise helps the recruitment team assess your ability to produce formal reports and other forms of business communication.

CGI Interview

You will also have a one-to-one interview with a manager from the relevant business area. During the interview, you can expect to be asked competency-based questions, which are focused on your skills and motivations for applying.

To answer competency-based interview questions you'll need to draw on real examples from previous work experience, your academics, or another area of your life to explain how you have applied your skills to solve a problem. Use the STAR technique here to put forward a situation, task, action, and result.

You may also be asked technical questions relating to the business area you have applied to, so make sure you brush up on any relevant knowledge before the interview.

What Is It Like To Work At CGI?

CGI is described as a fast-paced customer and client-facing environment. They offer fantastic opportunities for career development, with the company investing in comprehensive learning and developing programs to help build the skills you need to develop both personally and professionally.

CGI also offers great benefits to their employees including pension plans, share schemes, health care plans, and more.

Top Tips To Getting Hired At CGI

Sharpen Your Numeracy

Depending on the position you are taking, you may be asked to complete some form of numerical test. If you are asked to complete one of these tests, brushing up on your basic numeracy can pay dividends when you come to complete the real thing.

The questions will typically require you to use basic mathematical concepts, so focus on areas like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and ratios.

Prepare For The Tests

The tests can often be viewed as a challenging hurdle in the application process, however, it doesn't have to be. Prepare for the aptitude tests by brushing up on basic knowledge, and practice using sample tests. This will help familiarise yourself with the format and question style you will face, helping build your confidence going into the test.

Research The Company

Having a solid understanding of the role, the company, and the wider industry is crucial for

success in the interviews. So, take some time to do some research using the job description, the CGI website, and their social media pages. This research may also help you think of some good questions to ask in your interview.

Sample CGI Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

A report says that an IT consulting company has reduced its client incident resolution time by 25% this quarter. If the previous average resolution time was 4 hours, what is the new average resolution time?

  • 3 hours
  • 2 hours
  • 4 hours 30 minutes
  • 3 hours 15 minutes

A consulting firm's finance department analyzed its expenditures and found that the costs consist of fixed costs of $120,000 per year and variable costs of $50 per hour of consulting work. If the company expects to deliver 20,000 hours of consulting services next year, what would be the estimated total cost?

  • $1,120,000
  • $1,000,000
  • $1,200,000
  • $1,020,000

During a financial review, a consultant noticed that the allocation of funds to the IT security department increased by 15% from the previous year. If the allocation last year was $200,000, what is the new allocation for IT security?

  • $230,000
  • $215,000
  • $220,000
  • $250,000

The executive summary of an IT project states that the completion time for the database upgrade has been reduced from 50 days to 35 days without increasing resources. What is the percentage decrease in the time originally planned for the database upgrade?

  • 30%
  • 25%
  • 15%
  • 40%

In a team meeting, a problem was presented: 'If a client's website receives 240,000 visitors a month, and 1.5% of the visitors subscribe to a newsletter, how many subscriptions will be received each month?'

  • 3,600
  • 4,500
  • 2,400
  • 1,800

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CGI Assessments Tips

Get to Know CGI

Before diving into the test, take a moment to understand CGI. With a legacy since 1976, it's not just about IT and consulting skills, but also about fitting into their culture and working style. Familiarize yourself with their focus on the financial industry and their global reach. This context will help you anticipate the kinds of problem-solving and scenarios you might encounter on their exams.

Simulate Real Test Conditions

To gain an edge, try recreating the testing environment while you practice. This means setting aside uninterrupted time, minimizing distractions, and getting into the mindset that it's the real deal. Techtest's simulations mirror the look and feel you'll experience with CGI, helping you to be comfortable on test day.

Understand the Test Structure

Each company's tests have their quirks, and CGI is no different. Use Techtest's practice exams to get a feel for the types of questions you'll face. Whether it's logical reasoning or technical skills assessments, being familiar with the structure will make you more efficient and confident during the actual test.

Reflect on Your Answers

After each practice test on Techtest, take time to review your answers. Understanding why you got a question right or wrong is crucial. Use these insights to refine your approach and improve your performance incrementally with each new test you take.

Time Management is Key

Tech exams can be a race against the clock, so it's vital to hone your time management skills. Begin by working through Techtest's timed practice exams to get a feel for the pacing. Then, strive to improve your speed, without sacrificing accuracy, with each new practice test.

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CGI Assessments FAQs

Is CGI A Good Company To Work For?

Yes! CGI offers extensive training and development opportunities to ensure employees progress towards their career aspirations. Employees also benefit from a generous pension scheme, share scheme, health care, and more.

How Much Does A CGI Employee Make?

Graduates at CGI typically start on a £30,000 salary. The average salary at CGI is around £37,000.

What Does CGI Stand For?

'CGI' stands for 'Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique' in French.

How Long Does It Take To Get An Offer From CGI?

The time it takes to receive an offer from the initial application varies greatly depending on the type of role you are applying to. However, you can typically expect the entire process to take between 2 to 4 weeks.