FDM Group Assessments

Prepare for the FDM Group recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Getting a Job At FDM Group

Founded in 1991 and headquartered in London, United Kingdom, FDM Group is a global technology and professional services company that spans 11 locations including Glasgow, Brighton, Leeds, New York, Toronto, Reston, Frankfurt, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and China.

FDM is the leading graduate employer in the UK for tech-based roles. The company specialises in supplying other organisations with contracted consultants in core IT disciplines, allowing ambitious and innovative graduates to work across several sectors such as travel, finance, and broadcast media.

As a successful Technical Graduate Programme member, you could be working with the latest security tools, developing new software, or using machine learning to tackle big issues such as climate change. This highly competitive programme doesn't require previous experience in tech, but a clear and vibrant passion for tech and innovation.

FDM Values

FDM Group values are:

  • “We make it happen” - Being pioneers and innovators with a 'can-do' attitude.
  • “Together we are stronger” - Thriving on teamwork, diversity, and inclusivity.
  • “We strive for success” - Pushing boundaries to exceed client expectations.

Throughout the application process, FDM will be looking for evidence you embody its values. For this reason, it is worth taking the time to familiarise yourself with these early on and keep each one in mind throughout the hiring process.

Types Of Roles AT FDM Group

The FDM Technical Graduate Programme will prepare you for several technical consultant roles. Your training will include agile work methodologies and learning a range of world-class technical skills to confidently bring into a clients project and team from day one. FDM is widely recognised for its continuous professional development and for ensuring employees and graduates are fully supported throughout their careers.

Career prospects following the programme include Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing Engineering, Data Engineering, Robotic Process Automation, Salesforce Developer, Software Development, Software Testing, and Technical Operations.

FDM Group Application Process

As the leading graduate employer in the UK, it's no surprise securing a graduate programme position at FDM Group is a highly competitive process. If you are applying to the programme, remember, that you do not need previous experience in tech, you just need to be enthusiastic, open to learning new skills, and prepared for the application process.

The recruitment procedure is challenging and multi-staged, designed to identify the strongest candidates. By familiarising yourself with each stage, you will be more likely to succeed.

FDM Group Online Application

As with most jobs, you will initially complete an online application form where you will be prompted to upload your resume along with some additional screening questions that aim to highlight why you are interested in a career with FDM.

This is your first opportunity to start showing your enthusiasm for a career with FDM specifically, ensuring the finer details of your resume reflect FDM values and making sure your passion and commitment to succeed within tech are palpable.

FDM Group Telephone Interview

Shortly after your online application, you'll be called by a member of the FDM recruitment team to participate in a telephone interview. You will discuss your resume, and the programme in more detail and explore your career goals. The telephone interview is also an opportunity for you to ask questions you might have about the programme and get a feel for FDM as an employer.

Much like when you're employed, FDM wants its candidates to succeed and has created a comprehensive guide to excelling at your telephone interview.

FDM Group Video Interview

Moving from a one-on-one phone interview, the video interview stage will be held as part of a group. The recruiters' aim of this stage is to identify candidates who can communicate effectively in a collective setting, gleaming more detail about your motivations for working at FDM and your overarching career aspirations.

There's a lot to consider with video interviews that you might not have thought about if visiting an office or assessment centre. Make sure you have a bright, quiet, and presentable background to take the call in, that your technology is working correctly and you can maintain good non-verbal communication throughout the interview. FDM has pulled together guidance for the video interview stage here.

FDM Group Aptitude Tests

Following the verbal interview stages of the application process, you will engage in several online aptitude tests. FDM uses these to identify where candidates strengths lie. From here the company shortlists candidates and ensures those progressing are aligned to a role that matches their unique skillset.

You can expect to take the following tests during your FDM application:

FDM Group Numerical Reasoning Test

A numerical reasoning test is designed to challenge your mathematical skills. You'll be presented with 21 questions to complete in 15 minutes, without the use of a calculator. The questions will test your core mathematical skills using subtraction, addition, multiplication, and division to solve fractions, percentages, conversions, ratios, and other common concepts.

Due to the timed nature of this test, we recommend practising sample numerical reasoning tests and revising your basic mathematical knowledge such as long division, fundamental algebra, and Pythagoras' theorem. Practice tests will help you identify what areas need the most dedicated revision time.

FDM Group Verbal Reasoning

Verbal reasoning tests assess your ability to comprehend and analyse written passages of information. You'll be presented with long paragraphs of text, which is followed by a statement relating to the information. You're required to determine whether the statement is true, implied truth, or false. FDM uses this to highlight candidates with strong communication and comprehension skills, which are essential for any future technical consultant.

There will be distractors within the text to throw you off. Focus on extracting the key information each question is asking for. The best way to prepare for this timed test is to practice timed verbal reasoning questions.

FDM Group IT Aptitude Tests

The final aptitude test you will participate in is an IT aptitude test. Rather than designed to challenge you, this is designed to get a map of your computer and technical literacy. Graduate candidates don't require previous experience with programming, however, the test will include some basic questions about this area.

The basis of the test is to gauge your understanding and awareness of programming, operating systems, and computer languages. There is a benchmark score to ensure that all successful graduates are starting from a similar starting line.

If you are not from a STEM or computing background, we recommend familiarising yourself with the basics of common IT disciplines previously mentioned as well as acronyms such as HTTP, HTML, and SQL.

FDM Group Final Stage Interview

You've passed your pre-screening aptitude tests and shone in the early interview stages to reach the assessment centre day where you will bring all of your experience from the recruitment process thus far together. This is your final chance to demonstrate your skills, abilities, and motivations as a prospective academy member.

The day will consist of a welcome presentation from leading figures of the scheme followed by a tour of the FDM academy and offices, this will give you your first insight into daily life as a technical consultant.

Following introductions, you will undertake short interviews with multiple members of staff and another round of aptitude tests including numerical sequences tests, verbal reasoning tests, set notation or Venn diagram tests, and a general aptitude test including IT, logical and business-based questions.

Like before, prepare for the aptitude tests to improve your chances of success and prepare for common interview questions to help keep your cool. FDM has constructed a comprehensive guide to the assessment day, however, your recruiter will also prepare you for what to expect.

What is it Like to Work at FDM Group?

Based on Glassdoor reviews, FDM is a supportive yet competitive company to work for. Rated highly for its diversity and inclusion and career opportunities the organisation lives up to its values. Recurring reviews for the FDM group cite the company as a great starting point to a tech career, offering a lot of upskilling, connections, and experience in a short timeframe.

Top Tips to Getting Hired at FDM Group

Research The Company

FDM will want to see you are genuinely enthusiastic about a career specifically with them. Demonstrating a passion for FDM's unique proposition, including its company mission and values is integral to succeeding in the recruitment process. Ensure you are embodying these values throughout each stage of the application.

Carry Out Mock Interviews

FDM Group has several online resources with commonly asked questions for all stages of personal interviews, get familiar with these and practice your answers. Perhaps ask a friend or family member to help you prepare and shake away nerves by conducting mock phone, video, and face-to-face interviews with them.

Practice Tests

Prepare yourself by taking practice sample tests. Take the tests under timed conditions as you would for the real assessments - this will get you accustomed to the time pressure and questions faced in actual tests. Reviewing your answers after completing a test will identify areas for improvement.

Be confident and show your personality

Throughout the recruitment process, you will be reviewed amongst several other candidates. Whilst you don't want to be overbearing, you must show the ability to hold yourself in group scenarios and demonstrate the level of confidence and motivation it takes to be a successful academy member.

Have your questions prepared

Asking the interviewers your questions is evidence you are engaged in the process and confident enough to actively participate on an ongoing basis. Aside from impressing the interviewer, this is an opportunity for you to find out more about the company, role, management, or programme and be as clued up as possible before starting your position.

Sample FDM Group Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

If a coding algorithm is efficient in that it reduces processing time by 15% and a task initially took 8 hours, what is the new expected processing time?

  • 6.8 hours
  • 7 hours
  • 6 hours
  • 7.5 hours

If a project timeline was set for 15 months and is already 40% complete, how many months are remaining?

  • 9 months
  • 8 months
  • 6 months
  • 10 months

Which of the following is the percentage increase from 50 to 65?

  • 30%
  • 15%
  • 25%
  • 20%

An employee produced 20% more this year than the last year. If they produced 120 units last year, how many units did they produce this year?

  • 144 units
  • 140 units
  • 136 units
  • 142 units

In a comprehension passage discussing the impact of automation on employment, the primary argument made is that:

The widespread adoption of automation technologies will undoubtedly lead to significant changes within the workforce. While some jobs will become obsolete, new roles will emerge that require a different skill set. Additionally, automation may increase productivity but also has the potential to widen economic disparities if not managed with strategic workforce planning.

  • Automation will lead to the eradication of all current jobs
  • Automation will change the nature of jobs and require workforce adaptation
  • Automation will solely increase productivity without negative consequences
  • All jobs will require less skill due to automation

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Try one of our FDM Group tests for FREE.

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FDM Group Assessments Tips

Understand the Company Culture

Before you dive into practicing for your tech role at FDM Group, spend some time getting familiar with the company's ethos. FDM Group thrives on innovation, inclusion, and empowerment, so understanding their values will give you a head start when it comes to impressing in your assessments. Keep in mind these core principles as you tackle the practice exams on Techtest; they'll help guide your problem-solving approaches and frame your mindset positively.

Get Comfortable with Timed Tests

Time management can be crucial during tech exams, so acquaint yourself with working under a timer. While practicing on Techtest, simulate the exam scenario with timed sessions - this will help you get a sense of how much time to allocate to each question, leaving you well-prepared and less stressed during the real thing.

Dive into Real-World Scenarios

FDM Group looks for practical skills and the ability to apply knowledge effectively. Use the practice exams on Techtest to hone your problem-solving skills with situations akin to what you’d encounter on the job. These scenario-based questions will boost your confidence and give you a taste of the technical challenges you might face at FDM Group.

Review and Reflect Consistently

Practicing exams is one part of the preparation; the other equally important part is reviewing your performance. After practicing with Techtest, take the time to go through your answers, understand your mistakes, and learn from them. Continuous reflection on your practice exam results will help sharpen your skills and improve your scores.

Stay Calm and Positive

Lastly, a positive attitude will take you a long way. The journey to acing a tech interview can be challenging, so it’s important to stay motivated and keep stress at bay. Practice mindful techniques with Techtest's relaxing audio accompaniments, gather your thoughts, and face each test with a can-do attitude. Remember, practice makes perfect, and with each test, you’re one step closer to your dream job at FDM Group.

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  • 9 Aptitude packages
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FDM Group Assessments FAQs

Can I use a calculator on the FDM Group numerical reasoning test?

The test is designed to assess candidates' ability to perform basic mathematical calculations quickly and accurately, without the use of a calculator.

How can I prepare for the FDM assessment?

To prepare for your FDM Group assessments you can practice free FDM Group test questions using our online platform. This will help familiarize you with the test format and gradually improve your test score.

What skills is the FDM Group looking for?

The FDM Group looks for candidates with strong technical aptitude, including knowledge of programming languages, databases, and software development processes, as well as strong communication, problem-solving, and teamwork skills.

Are the FDM Group IT aptitude tests hard?

The difficulty of the FDM Group IT aptitude tests can vary based on the position and the specific test, but they are generally designed to assess candidates' technical aptitude and problem-solving skills.