Fujitsu Assessments

Prepare for the Fujitsu recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Getting A Job At Fujitsu

Founded in 1935 and headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, Fujitsu is a global ICT company employing approximately 7000 in the UK alone.

Fujitsu is the seventh-largest ICT company in the world, who use technology to positively impact how we operate as a society. The company looks for ambitious graduate candidates to continue to move the company forward.

Fujitsu Values

Throughout the application process, Fujitsu will be looking for evidence that you embody its values. For this reason, it is worthwhile familiarising yourself with these early on and keeping each one in mind throughout the process.

Fujitsu values are:

  • Aspiration
  • Trust
  • Empathy

Types Of Roles At Fujitsu

Fujitsu has positions across professional disciplines including sales, software development, cyber security, project management, finance, testing and human resources.

Fujitsu is a well-respected company with multiple diversity and inclusion recognitions making it a great place to kick start your career. All you need is the drive to make the world a better place, Fujitsu will give you the tools to succeed.

Hiring Process At Fujitsu

Getting an early careers position at Fujitsu is a highly competitive process, so understandably the procedure is challenging and multi-staged to identify the strongest candidates.

Starting with an online application form you'll then participate in online aptitude tests, interviews and assessment centre days before being selected.

Fujitsu Online Application

Initially, you will complete an online application form where you will be asked to upload your resume along with some additional screening questions that aim to highlight why you are interested in a career with Fujitsu.

Shortly following your submission, you'll be invited to complete a number of aptitude tests.

Fujitsu Aptitude Tests

The next stage of the application is several online psychometric tests. Fujitsu uses these to identify where candidates' strengths lie. They will inform a shortlist of candidates, as well as what sort of position these candidates may excel in.

Fujitsu Numerical Reasoning Test

A numerical reasoning test is designed to challenge your mathematical skills. You'll be presented with 20 questions to complete in 20 minutes. The questions relate to graphs, percentages and tables, you must then analyse the data to choose from a set of multiple-choice answers.

Due to the timed nature of this test, we recommend practising sample numerical reasoning tests and revising your basic mathematical knowledge including percentages, ratios, and fractions.

Fujitsu Verbal Reasoning Test

Verbal reasoning tests evaluate your ability to comprehend and analyse written passages. You'll be presented with long paragraphs of text, followed by a statement relating to the text. You then need to decipher if the statement is 'true', 'false, or 'cannot say'.

What's important to remember with this test, is that there will be distractors within the text. Focus on identifying and extracting the key information each question is asking for. The best way to prepare for this timed test is to practice timed verbal reasoning questions.

Fujitsu Situational Judgement Test (SJT)

Situational judgement tests (SJT's) are sent to every Fujitsu candidate. You'll be posed with a series of workplace scenarios on which you will have to report your judgement. They assess how strong your communication, commercial awareness, relationship building, and teamwork are.

The test consists of multiple-choice questions based on challenging workplace scenarios. This particular test isn't timed, however, we recommend familiarising yourself with the format and questions by practising free situational judgement tests online beforehand.

Fujitsu Video Interview

Unlike a typical video interview, Fujitsu will send the candidate pre-recorded or written interview questions which they will then be required to record answers to. Each answer will have a time limit, though this could differ from question to question.

This is useful practise to prepare answers and conversational topics before moving on to the final stage of recruitment.

Fujitsu Virtual Assessment Centre

Finally, shortlisted candidates will be invited to a virtual assessment centre day, ensuring all applicants are able to attend regardless of location. The day is an opportunity to meet the business, its leaders and better understand the culture whilst participating in interactive assessments such as group situational exercises and giving company presentations.

The day will help both you and Fujitsu identify how well-suited you are for each other.

What Is It Like To Work At Fujitsu?

Based on Glassdoor reviews, Fujitsu is a brilliant company to work for. Excellent support and career progression opportunities, an abundance of positivity and great culture are all listed as recurring pros to working for the company.

Top Tips To Getting Hired At Fujitsu

Research The Company

Fujitsu will want to see that you are genuinely passionate about a career specifically with them. Demonstrating a passion for Fujitsu's unique proposition, including its values and brand mission is integral to succeeding in the recruitment process. Ensure you are living these values through each application stage.

Practise Fujitsu Tests

Aptitude tests can seem overwhelming, though you cannot revise for them, you can prepare yourself by taking practise sample tests. Make sure you take the tests under timed conditions as you would for the real assessments - this will familiarise you with the time pressure and question types you'll face in the real tests. Reviewing your answers after you complete a test will identify areas for improvement.

Have your own questions prepared

Having your own questions prepared for the interview stages of the application will give you an opportunity to find out more about the company, role, management or programme. Asking your own questions is evidence to the interviewer that you are engaged in the process and confident enough to participate on an ongoing basis.

Sample Fujitsu Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

The passage implies that the chosen technology needs to:

In selecting a technology solution for enterprise data management, it is crucial to choose a system that not only addresses current needs but is also scalable for future growth. The selected technology should facilitate integration with existing infrastructure and adapt to evolving industry standards and practices.

  • Be the least expensive option available.
  • Be scalable and facilitate integration with current infrastructure.
  • Only focus on current technological standards.
  • Prevent any changes in industry standards and practices.

If a team is working on a project with a budget of £120,000 and has already spent 35%, how much of the budget is left?

  • £78,000
  • £42,000
  • £88,000
  • £32,000

A company’s network has a total of 10,000 active end-user devices. If 8% of these devices are printers, how many printers are on the network?

  • 800
  • 1,000
  • 850
  • 780

You are comparing two technologies, where one is 25% more efficient than the other. If the less efficient technology has a throughput of 400 units per hour, what is the throughput of the more efficient technology?

  • 500 units per hour
  • 450 units per hour
  • 525 units per hour
  • 600 units per hour

After reading the passage, what is the primary objective of using advanced analytics in resource allocation?

Advanced analytics in resource allocation aim to maximize efficiency and minimize waste. By analyzing past performance data, managers can predict future needs and adjust their resource deployment accordingly. This refinement of resource distribution contributes to an organization's ability to adapt to changes in demand and optimize operational costs.

  • To reduce the risk of unpredicted financial losses.
  • To refine resource distribution and optimize costs.
  • To significantly increase the company's market share.
  • To ensure compliance with industry regulations.

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Fujitsu Assessments Tips

Know Your Test Field

Before you dive into any practice test, it’s crucial to understand the areas you’ll be tested on. At Techtest, we've tailored our practice exams to mirror the type of tests you might face when applying to a tech giant like Fujitsu. Familiarize yourself with the general content and format to steer your study sessions in the right direction.

Simulate Exam Conditions

To truly prepare for Fujitsu's hiring process, try to replicate exam conditions when you practice. This means setting aside uninterrupted time, having a clear workspace, and following the same time constraints you would have in the actual test. This method, offered by Techtest, can substantially ease test-day anxiety.

Review, Don't Just Repeat

After completing each practice exam, take the time to review your answers carefully. Techtest provides answer explanations, so you’re not just practicing, but also learning. By understanding why an answer is correct, you'll sharpen your problem-solving skills, which is invaluable during the actual hiring tests.

Focus On Your Weak Spots

It's tempting to keep practicing what you know best, but your time is better spent targeting areas where you're less confident. With Techtest’s personalized analysis, you can identify these areas and focus your efforts, making your preparation for Fujitsu's exams more efficient and effective.

Stay Calm and Confident

Remember, a positive mindset can significantly influence your performance. Don’t let stress overpower you. Practice exams at Techtest come with tips for managing your nerves, helping you stay calm and collected. Trust in your preparation and walk into your Fujitsu application process with confidence.

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  • 9 Aptitude packages
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  • 99 Employer packages
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  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
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Fujitsu Assessments FAQs

How long does it take to get hired at Fujitsu?

Early career opportunities including graduate schemes and junior talent schemes can take between 2-3 months to complete. If successful, these schemes typically start in July of every year and last for 2 years.

Does Fujitsu pay well?

Graduate and early career salaries at Fujitsu are in line with their competitors, according to a Glassdoor report, offering an average of £30,500 as a base pay salary with potential for additional benefits such as bonuses and profit-sharing schemes.

Why should I work for Fujitsu?

The real-life benefits of the company's values and morals are evident in achieving recognition as a Stonewall LGBT Inclusive Employer, employees being listed in Top 100 BAME Leaders in Tech and WomenTech awards as well as being a certified Disability Confident Leader. So if you want to work for a company that's innovative, global, and compassionate, then Fujitsu might be the place for you.