SAP Assessments

Prepare for the SAP recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Getting A Job At SAP

SAP is an international software solutions company based in Walldorf, Germany. It specialises in producing software for business management processes - assisting data processing, information transfer, and customer relations.

SAP is an initialism for the company's German name, Systemanalyse Programmentwicklung, which translates to System Analysis Program Development.

The centralisation of data management, using SAP software, improves the efficiency of operations and speeds up workflows, enhancing productivity, customer experience, and company profits.

SAP helps businesses of all sizes - small businesses, midsize companies, and large corporations – to adapt, grow, and profit.

By revenue, SAP is the third-largest publicly traded software company in the world, and the largest outside of the US. It offers global opportunities, with offices in over 78 countries. These opportunities are sought after, and secured through a competitive, multistage recruitment process.

SAP Values

SAP's culture is underpinned by five principles that give the company purpose and help to drive it towards its goals. These principles are:

Tell It Like It Is – An emphasis on honesty and authenticity. A supportive and open workplace where colleagues truly listen and exchange ideas. A prioritisation of the facts, accompanied by genuine consideration of opinions.

Stay Curious – Constantly advancing and pushing boundaries to improve products, services, and solutions for clients.

Embrace Differences – Valuing the strength of a diverse and global team. Creating a supportive environment where differing viewpoints and perspectives are embraced and help to progress innovation.

Keep Promises – Building relationships with customers and earning their trust through displaying reliability, empathy, and accountability.

Embracing collaboration, working effectively as a team, and respecting the experience and expertise of others regardless of career level. Supporting each other, sharing knowledge, and succeeding as a team.

Throughout the recruitment process, seek to display an awareness of, and affinity with, these five principles.

Types Of Roles At SAP

SAP offers roles across its eight business areas:

Development and Technology - Join SAP as an IT professional, a software developer, or work in quality control or user experience design.

Sales – Become a member of SAP's salesforce and introduce businesses to software that will tackle their operational problems.

Consulting Services and Customer Support – Have a career as a consultant with SAP or work in support or education.

Marketing and Communications – Engage customers with new SAP products and services through campaigns and support lead generation.

Corporate Operations – Join SAP as a valued admin, legal or security professional, looking after SAP's people, investments, and buildings.

Human Resources – Help SAP to recruit, train, and retain top talent, by shaping and delivering its HR strategy.

Finance – Keep SAP on track by evaluating and navigating risk and opportunity, facilitating mergers and acquisitions, and helping it meet financial goals.

Customer Experience – Help SAP build connections between brands and their customers.

There are opportunities for students, recent graduates, young professionals, and experienced hires.

The Hiring Process At SAP

SAP is looking to recruit the best talent to its open roles across the globe. To be successful in securing a role with SAP, you'll need to impress at each stage of the hiring process. This will consist of an online application, pre-screening call, online psychometric tests, and at least one interview.

SAP Online Application

Submit an online application to a role that fits your skills and is aligned with your career goals. You'll need to disclose your personal details, educational background, and work history via your CV. You may also be asked to answer a few questions regarding your motivation for applying to SAP. Depending upon the role, a cover letter may be required.

SAP Pre-Screening Interview

If your skills match those sought for the open role, a member of the recruitment team will call you about the opportunity. They will talk through your application and may ask some basic interview questions to gain additional information. Your application will then be reviewed by a hiring manager who, if impressed, will organise the next stage of the process.

SAP Aptitude Tests

Some roles will ask you to complete a series of online tests to provide further insight into your capabilities. These will consist of the following assessments:

SAP Verbal Reasoning Tests

Verbal reasoning tests assess your ability to understand and analyse written passages. You'll be presented with a series of statements and asked if they are 'True', 'False', or if you 'Cannot Say' based upon the information divulged in the text.

These tests measure your ability to make accurate evaluations, deductions, and inferences whilst under time pressure.

SAP Numerical Reasoning Tests

A numerical reasoning assessment tests your ability to work with numbers, interpret data, and draw accurate conclusions.

The data involved in the test will be relevant to the role for which you are applying. You'll be asked to perform calculations involving basic mathematics such as fractions, percentages, ratios, currency conversions, algebra, and general arithmetic.

The questions will involve data presented in graphs, charts, and tables so make sure you are familiar with rapidly analysing data in these formats.

SAP Situational Judgement Tests

Situational judgement testsare designed to provide an insight into a candidate's behavioural preferences and attitude at work, to judge compatibility with the company.

You'll be presented with a series of hypothetical workplace scenarios and asked to indicate which of the given responses is the closest to the course of action you would take.

This assessment is tailored to SAP's core principles and culture, so keep this in mind when selecting your answers.

SAP Interviews

The final stage of the recruitment process is an interview with the hiring manager. Depending upon the circumstances, this may be in-person at an SAP office or conducted virtually.

Depending upon the business area, role, and career level, you may be asked to attend more than one interview. Some roles will have a technical interview alongside competency-based and behavioural interviews.

Your hiring manager will let you know exactly what to expect from the interview stage in advance, so you can prepare effectively.

What Is It Like To Work At SAP?

SAP is dedicated to employee experience and offers a generous benefits package. It provides healthcare coverage, a retirement plan, and an award-winning share purchase plan.

There are many learning and development opportunities with customised development programs, training sessions, access to career advice, and peer learning through mentoring and coaching.

Some SAP offices also have on-site fitness centres and activity classes. Your benefits will be tailored to your needs and location and are flexible to provide for both you and your family.

Top Tips For Getting Hired At SAP

Get To Know SAP Better

The recruitment team at SAP looks for candidates who are specifically keen to join SAP, rather than just any software company. Do your research – investigate recent developments at the company, new or long-term projects, and any news stories. A good knowledge of SAP's business and its operating environment will help to convey your dedication and motivation for applying and impress your interviewer. ReadingYour Guide To SAP is a great place to start.

Be Prepared

If you are serious about working for SAP, you should take the time to comprehensively prepare for each stage of the recruitment process. Don't underestimate the difficulty of online reasoning assessments – psychometric tests differ in style, format, and content to other exams you may have encountered, so invest time in becoming familiar with the questions. The same goes for your interview(s), as investing time in preparing your answers will enable you to convey your capabilities and suitability for the role confidently and succinctly.

Be Passionate

SAP seeks employees who are enthusiastic and have a passion for their chosen business area. Relax and be yourself in the interview, so your passion can come to the fore. Insightful and intelligent responses that display an awareness of the responsibilities of the role and challenges of the sector will convey your genuine interest in innovating with SAP.

Be Honest

The best candidates are confident in their strengths, but also aware of their weaknesses. SAP isn't seeking perfection, but potential. Don't be afraid of disclosing areas you still need to develop and hone – everyone is still learning, whatever the stage of their career. Be honest and convey enthusiasm for growing and developing your talent through a career with SAP.

Sample SAP Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

In the process of troubleshooting a complex system, you observe that when one component fails, it never causes the entire system to fail. Which logical gate does this component most closely resemble?

  • AND gate
  • NOR gate
  • OR gate
  • XOR gate

In a business-to-business transaction, should a service level agreement be included in the primary contract to ensure understanding of services provided?

  • Yes, as it sets clear performance standards.
  • No, it should be a separate document.
  • No, service level agreements are not necessary in business transactions.
  • Yes, but only for transactions over a certain financial threshold.

Given a company's expenditure of $125,000 on software licenses and an expected increase of 4.5% each year, what would be the expenditure on licenses after two years?

  • $136,828.13
  • $135,281.25
  • $134,568.75
  • $130,000.00

If a pattern of efficiency is observed, starting with one task completed in the first hour and doubling each subsequent hour, how many tasks will be completed by the end of the fourth hour?

  • 8 tasks
  • 15 tasks
  • 16 tasks
  • 30 tasks

A report detailing a company's use of natural resources includes a project to reduce water usage by 20%. If the currently reported water usage is 5,000 gallons per day, what would be the daily water usage after the reduction?

  • 4,000 gallons
  • 1,000 gallons
  • 4,500 gallons
  • 3,500 gallons

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SAP Assessments Tips

Understand SAP Inside Out

Before you dive into the nitty-gritty of practice exams, ensure you have a solid understanding of what SAP stands for – not just the acronym, but the essence of the company. Know that SAP is pivotal in business management software and dive into the basics of how their solutions facilitate data processing and customer relationship management. A clear grasp of their core business will help you relate to the context of the questions you'll face on the exams.

Be Business-Process Savvy

Given that SAP's bread and butter lie in the realm of business processes, you can bet that the tests will gauge your aptitude in this area. Make it a point to brush up on common business management terms and processes. With Techtest's tailored practice exams, you'll get a feel for what to expect and can hone your skills accordingly.

Sharpen Your Data Skills

In today’s digital world, data is king, and SAP is all about helping businesses manage their data effectively. Expect to encounter questions that assess your comfort level with data handling and analysis. Use the practice tests on Techtest to familiarize yourself with the kind of data-related questions that might be thrown your way during the SAP hiring process.

Simulate the Test Environment

Familiarity with the test environment can significantly reduce stress on the actual day of the exam. Use Techtest to simulate the real test conditions of SAP's hiring exams. Work on timing your responses and creating a quiet, uninterrupted space to take the practice tests. This way, you'll walk into the real exam feeling prepared and confident.

Review With a Critical Eye

Once you've completed a practice test, don't just move on to the next one. Take the time to review your answers critically. Techtest provides solutions and explanations to help you understand the rationale behind certain questions and recognize patterns. This reflective practice is key to improving your performance on future tests.

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  • 9 Aptitude packages
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SAP Assessments FAQs

Is It Hard To Get Hired At SAP?

The recruitment process to secure an employment contract with SAP is competitive but, with targeted preparation, you'll greatly enhance your chances of impressing at each stage of the process. Online practice reasoning tests can help you hone your ability to complete psychometric tests which, alongside interviews, form a substantial part of the hiring process.

How Do I Prepare for An SAP Interview?

Taking into account interview tips can ensure you effectively convey your personality and talent at the interview. For example, before your interview, ensure you have a good understanding of the responsibilities of the role, and can illustrate your strengths against the desired criteria. Get used to forming well-structured evidence-based answers that highlight your skills.

Is SAP A Good Company To Work For?

SAP has won many employee awards that recognise it as a great place to work. It has secured 114 awards so far in 2021 – including 28 for equality, 14 for fostering early career talent, and 26 for being a great place to work. The company has an approval rating of 4.5 on Glassdoor, 93% of employees would recommend SAP as an employer, and it has an employee retention rate of over 95%.