Tech Mahindra Assessments

Prepare for the Tech Mahindra recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Getting A Job At Tech Mahindra

Tech Mahindra is a leading provider of digital transformation, consulting, and business reengineering services. The company is headquartered in India and has a global presence in over 90 countries.

Tech Mahindra's offers IT services, engineering services, network services, and consulting services, and it has expertise in areas such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cybersecurity.

With a focus on delivering innovative solutions and building strong relationships with clients, Tech Mahindra has a diverse customer base that includes some of the world's largest companies across industries such as healthcare, banking, telecommunications, and automotive.

The company has received numerous awards for its technology solutions and commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. With a team of over 135,000 professionals, Tech Mahindra continues to push the boundaries of technology and provide value to its clients.

If you are looking for a career in IT and technology, you might want to consider Tech Mahindra as your future employer.

Tech Mahindra Values

Tech Mahindra's core values aim to inspire associates to achieve their core purpose. The core values are:

  • Being a good corporate citizen

  • Always be professional

  • Focus on quality

  • Adopt a customer-first mindset

  • Dignity

Types Of Roles At Tech Mahindra

As an IT-based company, Tech Mahindra's roles are mostly technology-based and cover all different fields including:

  • Programming

  • Software engineering

  • Technical services

  • IT specialists

  • Quality assurance

  • Customer support

  • Consultants

If you are looking for a role at TechMahindra, you must begin applying online and complete each stage of their hiring process in order to be successful.

Hiring Process At Tech Mahindra

The hiring process at Tech Mahindra is comprehensive and thorough to ensure they hire fairly and accurately. In order to prepare for the Tech Mahindra assessments, it is important to ensure you practice and prepare for each hiring round.

This guide will help you to understand what to expect and how to ace your aptitude tests.

Tech Mahindra Online Application

To begin with, you’ll need to select a role via Tech Mahindra's career site. You can apply online for each role which requires you to upload documentation such as a cover letter, resume, and answers to specific questions around the role like salary expectations and availability.

Once you’ve submitted your online application, you will be sent a series of aptitude tests - aptitude tests help employers like Tech Mahindra assess candidate skills required for each role they hire for.

Tech Mahindra Aptitude Tests

Depending on the role candidates may be asked to take some of the following tests. The tests you will take are:

  • Numerical Reasoning Test

  • Non-Verbal Ability Test

  • Logical Reasoning Test

  • English Essay Test

  • Coding Test

Tech Mahindra Numerical Reasoning Test

The numerical reasoning test is a multiple choice assessment that requires you to solve basic maths problems under timed conditions.

You’ll need to sharpen your knowledge of common maths concepts (calculating fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, and algebra) in order to be successful.

Although the maths problem-solving questions are not particularly challenging if you have strong maths abilities, answering them within a set time limit can make it more difficult.

Practicing a range of maths problems can help you improve your test score before taking the official test.

Tech Mahindra Verbal Reasoning Test

A verbal reasoning test is an assessment of a candidate's comprehension skills. You will be given a passage of text and must draw logical conclusions from the information you are given - answering true, false or cannot say based on the passage.

Candidates do not need prior knowledge of the topic, but reading the information carefully and understanding what it says is key to doing well on this assessment.

The test is designed to measure a candidate's ability to think logically and critically, understand complex ideas, and communicate effectively through written language.

Tech Mahindra Non-Verbal Ability Test

Non-verbal ability tests require candidates to use non-verbal skills such as spatial reasoning and pattern recognition. It is arguably, one of the most challenging assessments as you are required to identify patterns and problem-solve under pressure.

Typically, the Tech Mahindra test involves a series of visual puzzles, such as identifying patterns, completing sequences, or manipulating shapes. The questions in these tests are designed to be language-free so that candidates can demonstrate their abilities without being hindered by language barriers.

It is recommended to practice spatial reasoning assessments in order to develop problem-solving techniques for pattern recognition.

Tech Mahindra Logical Reasoning Test

The logical reasoning test is an assessment that requires candidates to draw logical conclusions and identify errors in reasoning from different passages of text. You’ll be presented with information such as a series of statements or arguments and must draw conclusions from it using logic.

Practicing logical reasoning assessments is a great way to familiarise yourself with the format of the test and increase your test score.

Tech Mahindra English Essay Test

English is an important language at Tech Mahindra and candidates who have strong English skills make great communicators within the company.

The English essay test consists of two parts:

  • English language comprehension

  • English Essay Writing

For the essay, you will be required to write a 200-word essay on the topic provided. It’s important you use good grammar and spelling for this essay.

The English language comprehension test focuses on multiple choice questions on your knowledge - it may ask you to spot the error in a passage of text, identify spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, and sentence completion.

Tech Mahindra Coding Test

If you apply for a programming or software engineering-based role it is likely that your coding knowledge will be assessed. For this assessment, you should review the job specification and understand what programming skills and knowledge are needed for the role. Your assessment will likely be based on these languages.

Tech Mahindra HR Interview

Candidates who are successfully shortlisted after their online assessment will be invited to an HR interview - for technical roles you may also be invited to complete a technical interview followed by an HR interview.

This is the final stage of the hiring process and is conducted by a senior hiring manager. For this stage of the interview process, it is important to stay calm, communicate clearly, and ensure you know both your resume and the job requirements really well - this makes it easier to talk about your experience and how you will be a good fit for the role.

Some example questions that you might expect in a Tech Mahindra HR interview:

  • Tell me about yourself

  • What motivated you to apply for this position?

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

  • What are your long-term career goals?

  • How do you handle stress and pressure in the workplace?

  • What do you know about Tech Mahindra's values and culture?

  • Why should we hire you?

Tech Mahindra Technical Interview

The Tech Mahindra technical interview focuses on candidates who have applied to technical roles like software engineering or programming.

You’ll be interviewed by someone senior from your team, so you’ll need to be prepared in answering technical questions and talking about your technical experience.

Some example questions that you might expect in a Tech Mahindra technical interview include:

  • Can you walk me through your experience with (specific programming language or software development tool)?

  • How do you approach problem-solving and troubleshooting in a technical environment?

  • Can you describe the development lifecycle for a typical software project?

  • Have you ever worked with (specific software development methodology)? If so, can you tell me about your experience with it?

  • Can you walk me through your approach to designing and implementing a complex software solution?

What is it like to work at Tech Mahindra?

Tech Mahindra has been described as a great place to work.

The company places a strong emphasis on innovation and encourages employees to think creatively and come up with new ideas. Some employees appreciate the company's commitment to work-life balance and the flexible working arrangements available to some staff.

If you’re looking to work at a fast-paced and dynamic workplace that can offer exciting challenges and opportunities for growth then Tech Mahindra might be the company for you.

Top Tips For Getting Hired At Tech Mahindra

1. Make sure you meet the minimum requirements for the role

It is crucial to read the job specification before applying for a role at Tech Mahindra - you’ll want to ensure that you meet the minimum requirements otherwise your application will be instantly rejected.

2. Familiarize yourself with the format of each test

Aptitude tests have different formats - by practicing each type of test you’ll quickly become familiar with each format which can put you at a strong advantage compared to other candidates.

3. Get comfortable answering questions quickly under timed conditions

Problem-solving under timed test conditions is one of the more difficult parts of the assessment. You need to get comfortable answering questions efficiently under timed conditions (approximately 1 minute per question). By getting used to this speed, you’ll feel more comfortable during the official tests.

4. Practice lots of assessments

Practicing assessments for Tech Mahindra is a great way to ensure you will do well on your official tests. You can practice many different tests using our platform as well as answer free practice questions.

5. Research the company thoroughly

During your HR interview, you are likely to be asked what you know about the company. It can be beneficial to do your homework so that you can talk about the things you have learned about Tech Mahindra, as it will make you stand out as a candidate.

Sample Tech Mahindra Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

Assuming all employees in a department attend a lunch meeting and there are 7 possible seating arrangements they can choose from. If each employee selects a seating arrangement at random, what are the chances that at least two employees will choose the same seating arrangement?

  • 1 in 7
  • 1 in 49
  • 6/7
  • 1/49

A project team is required to complete a digital transformation initiative within 6 months. If the team works at a constant pace and completes 1/3 of the initiative in 2 months, how many more months will it take to complete the entire project?

  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • 5 months
  • 3 months

A consultant charges $100 per hour for services and offers a 10% discount for a project that exceeds 100 hours. If a client books the consultant for 150 hours, what is the total discounted price the client will have to pay?

  • $13,500
  • $15,000
  • $14,000
  • $13,000

During a client workshop, a facilitator uses a set of 48 cards, evenly divided into 4 different colors, to prioritize digital features. If the participants use 1/4 of the blue cards and 1/3 of the green cards, what fraction of the total cards have been used?

  • 7/48
  • 1/6
  • 1/8
  • 5/24

A sequence of numbers follows a logical rule: 3, 9, 27, 81. What would be the next number in this sequence?

  • 162
  • 243
  • 108
  • 324

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I wanted to quickly test my aptitude skills prior to an important job interview. Techtest allowed me to do just that.

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Tech Mahindra Assessments Tips

Familiarize Yourself with the Format

Before you dive into preparation, take a moment to understand the typical structure of exams at Tech Mahindra. By familiarizing yourself with the format, you'll know what to expect and can strategize your study sessions accordingly. Techtest provides an inside look at the types of questions and the format used, so you don’t face any surprises on test day.

Brush Up on Relevant Skills

Tech Mahindra values a solid grasp of both technical and soft skills. Ensure you're up-to-date with the latest technologies and methodologies within your field. Dedicate time to review concepts and practice problem-solving. Techtest offers comprehensive practice exams that can strengthen your familiarity with the exact skills Tech Mahindra is seeking.

Time Management

It's not just about getting the right answers, but also managing your time effectively during the test. Work on pacing yourself through practice exams on Techtest to build a sense of how much time to allocate for each question. This practice can make a huge difference in your performance.

Simulate the Test Environment

Create an environment similar to the test setting when you practice. This means sitting in a quiet place, setting a timer, and focusing on the task at hand without interruptions. Techtest's simulation mode is designed to mirror the conditions you’ll experience during Tech Mahindra’s assessment, helping to increase your comfort level when the actual test arrives.

Review and Learn from Mistakes

Each practice test on Techtest is an opportunity for learning. While practicing, take time to review your answers, especially those you got wrong. Understanding your mistakes is crucial for not repeating them and it strengthens your grasp on the material. Remember, making mistakes is a natural part of learning.

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Tech Mahindra Assessments FAQs

Why is the Tech Mahindra English Essay Test required?

Tech Mahindra works with clients globally across 90+ countries, so being able to communicate in English is essential in the business world. The test will assess your knowledge and understanding of the English language.

What types of questions are on the Tech Mahindra verbal reasoning test?

The verbal reasoning test will consist of multiple-choice questions; with 1 correct answer and 3 incorrect answers. The questions will be focused on the information you are given in a passage of text.

How much math do I need to know to pass the Tech Mahindra numerical reasoning test?

Numerical reasoning tests will test your knowledge of general maths concepts such as fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, and basic algebra. You will also need to have a solid understanding of mathematical concepts such as probability, averages, and data interpretation.

How can I prepare for the Tech Mahindra assessments?

We recommend trying our free Tech Mahindra practice tests to prepare for the different assessments you will be given during the hiring process.