Flex Assessments

Prepare for the Flex recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Getting a job at Flex

Flex, previously known as Flextronics International Ltd. or Flextronics, is a global leader in the design and production of advanced electronics. With over 200,000 employees in 30 countries, Flex is one of the most sought-after employers in the world. They offer a variety of exciting job opportunities for those interested in getting into the high-tech industry.

Getting a job at Flex requires an extensive application process, which includes demonstrating your skills and experience as well as providing references. Those with technical backgrounds are often preferred, but no matter what your area of expertise is, there's likely something for you at this company.

Flex Values

Flex values the power of teamwork, believing that by working together they can create innovations that drive success. Respect within the organization is highly valued – everyone should have respect for each other regardless of their role or background.

Flexibility is another key value – employees are encouraged to think 'outside the box' to come up with novel solutions and ideas.

Integrity is also essential. Flex expects all employees to act according to high ethical standards while conducting business operations.

Candidates should possess strong interpersonal skills and have a passion for continuous learning – both qualities that will help them succeed at Flex.

Types Of Roles At Flex

Flex offers many types of roles within its organization that include engineering roles, operations roles and manufacturing roles.

Engineering roles are responsible for designing the PCBs (printed circuit boards), wiring harnesses and other components used in electronics products. This includes creating new designs as well as troubleshooting existing designs to ensure they meet customer requirements.

Operations roles involve managing the day-to-day activities of the factories which may include planning production lines, maintaining inventory records or overseeing quality control measures.

Manufacturing roles focus on assembling all parts together into finished products ready for shipment to customers.

Hiring Process At Flex

Flex has an extensive hiring process that ensures they bring on employees who will contribute to their success. Here's how it works:

  • Online application
  • Telephone interview
  • Onsite interview
  • Online aptitude tests

Flex Online Application

The first step of the hiring process at Flex is submitting an online application. Candidates are asked to submit a resume, cover letter, and references for review. Following this submission, candidates may be contacted for a phone interview. This initial screening allows hiring managers to gain insight into the candidate's background and experience level prior to inviting them in for an in-person interview.

If invited for an in-person interview, candidates must prepare by researching the company and its values as well as preparing questions about the job opportunity itself.

Flex Telephone Interview

Flex utilizes telephone interviews in order to get a better understanding of potential candidates. This type of interview helps them to determine the skills and abilities that the candidate has before proceeding with further recruitment steps.

During a Flex telephone interview, applicants will be asked about their experience in various topics related to their chosen field: their professional career goals, strengths, and weaknesses, why they are interested in working with Flex specifically, as well as questions related to problem-solving and critical thinking. It is important for applicants to prepare by researching the company beforehand and having an organized list of questions ready.

Flex Onsite Interview

The onsite interview at Flex typically consists of multiple rounds that focus on assessing a candidate's technical and soft skills as well as their knowledge of the particular role they applied for. During the interview, candidates will be asked to draw from past experiences and demonstrate how they can be successful within the organization. Questions may span topics related to problem-solving, customer service, managing time efficiently, or working with teams effectively.

It's important for candidates to come prepared and dressed professionally when attending an onsite interview at Flex.

Flex Aptitude Tests

Flex, a global leader in providing electronic manufacturing services, requires all potential employees to participate in their rigorous hiring process aptitude test. The test is designed to evaluate the technical and problem-solving skills of applicants to ensure they are qualified for the job.

The three main question types used are numerical, verbal and situational judgment. Additionally, candidates may also be asked to complete a personality assessment questionnaire that measures how well they can work independently or with others in various settings.

Flex Numerical Reasoning Test

A numerical reasoning test is a type of psychometric assessment that provides insight into a candidate’s ability to work with numbers quickly and accurately, as well as their capacity to problem solve and interpret data. The test comprises multiple-choice questions that range in difficulty, helping to identify individuals who possess superior numerical abilities.

Typically, the flex numerical reasoning test will focus on topics such as basic math operations, calculations involving fractions and percentages, statistical analysis, financial analysis and interpreting graphs or tables. Depending on the role in question, employers may also consider introducing questions related specifically to their industry or profession. By assessing how well candidates can comprehend quantitative information and draw logical conclusions from it, hiring managers can better identify those with exceptional analytical skills and aptitude for working with numbers.

Flex Verbal Reasoning Test

A verbal reasoning test is a type of assessment used to measure a candidate’s ability to understand, analyse and interpret complex written information. This type of test assesses the analytical ability and problem-solving skills needed by today’s workforce to make decisions in the workplace.

This assessment consists of verbal reasoning questions that must be answered within a certain time frame. The questions may involve reading a passage and then answering multiple-choice questions based on it or providing answers based on logical deductions from the text provided. The goal is to evaluate an applicant's cognitive abilities and decision-making skills needed for success in the role being applied for.

Flex Situational Judgment Test

Situational judgment test(SJT) is a type of psychometric assessment that measures an individual's ability to analyze and respond appropriately to different work-related scenarios. It evaluates how well they understand the company culture and its values, as well as their problem-solving skills in various situations.

An SJT consists of multiple-choice questions which require candidates to choose the most suitable response from a set of options given in each question. The responses are then scored on how closely they align with the expectations set by the company. This means that it's important for applicants to be familiar with the company's values before taking this test.

What is it like to work at Flex?

Working at Flex means having access to exceptional career opportunities, professional development, and a stimulating work environment. It also means being part of a vibrant and diverse culture that values collaboration and trust.

At Flex, employees have access to best-in-class training programs and industry-leading technology to ensure they're on the cutting edge. The company offers numerous opportunities for career advancement, including tuition reimbursement, flexible scheduling, telecommuting options, mentoring programs, and more. Employees can also take advantage of free meals during the work day as well as an onsite gym with classes and activities like yoga, cycling, and boot camp fit classes.

The culture of Flex emphasizes collaboration between employees across departments while still enabling them the freedom to tackle projects autonomously when appropriate.

Top Tips For Getting Hired At Flex

If you're looking for your next job opportunity, Flex may be the perfect place for you. This company has a long-standing reputation as one of the best in its industry and a great team atmosphere. To give yourself the best chance at getting hired, there are a few top tips to keep in mind.

Create an impressive resume

Create an impressive resume that highlights your skills and experience. Make sure to tailor it specifically for each position you're applying for so it speaks directly to their needs. Additionally, include any relevant certifications or awards you have earned that would make you stand out from other applicants.

Prepare for the interviews

Research Flex thoroughly in order to demonstrate your knowledge of the company during interviews. Learn as much as you can about their products and services and stay up-to-date on their latest initiatives.

Showing your passion and interest is key when making a good impression on recruiters and hiring managers alike.

Practice your answers to common interview questions

Research common Flex interview questions and practice answering them. Make sure your answers are concise, confident, and relevant to the job role.

Maintain a professional presence online

Ensure all your social media profiles reflect positively on yourself or simply take them down until after the hiring process has been completed.

Prepare for the Flex assessments

There are a few challenging assessments associated with the Flex hiring process - most of these are role dependent but it can be useful to practice problem-solving tests to become familiar with the format.

Spatial, logical, and abstract reasoning are challenging problem-solving tests that can be worth practicing to prepare for similar assessments at Flex.

Sample Flex Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /6

The boxes run in a sequence from left to right. You must determine which box (from options A to F) goes in the missing part of the sequence.

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F

If an electronic component supplier increases the price of a crucial microchip by 12% and the production cost for a gadget is currently $150, which now includes the increased price of the microchip, what was the original price of the microchip?

  • $16.80
  • $15.00
  • $17.50
  • $18.20

If the assembly line produces 250 units in 5 hours, at the same rate, how many units would be produced in 8 hours?

  • 400 units
  • 420 units
  • 350 units
  • 450 units

What is the next number in this series: 5, 10, 20, 40, ...?

  • 60
  • 80
  • 100
  • 120

A project manager reasons that if the project's work is increased by 50% but its completion time is cut by 25%, the team will need a productivity increase of what percent to still meet the deadline?

  • 100%
  • 75%
  • 50%
  • 125%

Which of the following is most dissimilar to the word 'circuit':

  • Sequence
  • Pathway
  • Loop
  • Isolation

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Flex Assessments Tips

Understand the Company

Get the inside scoop on Flex's ethos and what they do. A deeper understanding of the company can inform how you approach their tests.

Practice Makes Perfect

Familiarize yourself with the test formats by tackling practice exams. The more comfortable you are, the better you'll perform.

Time Management

Learn to manage your time wisely during the test. Practice tests can help you improve your pacing.

Free Practice on Techtest

You can take practice tests that simulate the types of tests Flex uses on Techtest for free, giving you a headstart in your preparation.

Stay Calm and Focused

Keep your nerves in check and focus on one question at a time. Staying calm can positively impact your performance.

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  • Basic performance tracking
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Flex Assessments FAQs

What are the Flex tests?

The Flex tests are a concoction of assessments aimed at gauging a candidate's aptitude, personality, and skillset pertinent to roles at Flex. They're designed to ensure you're the right fit for their innovative environment.

Are the Flex tests hard?

Like any assessment, the difficulty of Flex tests can be subjective. Generally, they challenge you to showcase your problem-solving skills and adaptability to real-world tech scenarios. Preparation is the key to bolstering your confidence.

How do I prepare for Flex tests?

To nail the Flex tests, get hands-on practice. Techtest offers a plethora of practice tests mirroring those you'll encounter in your application - the best possible prep you could get!

How long does the recruitment process take at Flex?

Flex's recruitment process time frame may vary based on role and location. It's typically a multi-step process, which includes taking tests, interviews, and sometimes follow-up interviews or tasks.

What are Flex's core values?

Flex prides itself on innovation, teamwork, and customer obsession. They cultivate an environment of diversity and empowerment, striving to bring thoughtful products from concept to reality.