Intel Assessments

Prepare for the Intel recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Intel is the world's largest semiconductor company by revenue, and is headquartered in Silicon Valley - Santa Clara in California.

Founded in 1968, Intel supplies microprocessors to the biggest computer system manufacturers such as HP, Dell, and Lenovo to name a few.

As a multinational technology company, Intel has a variety of roles available - from sales to manufacturing, and software to hardware.

Getting A Job At Intel

Intel is looking for the best candidates to help the business develop and become more innovative. The application process for almost every role is thorough and tough, but the rewards of working for this forward-thinking business are worth it.

Intel Values

As with most businesses, Intel has a set of values that guides how the company makes decisions. These values are a common, uniting thread that they want to see every employee embrace.

  • Fearless: Intel is bold, unafraid of taking risks and innovative - and everyone learns from their mistakes.
  • Inclusion: Everyone can contribute to the culture of belonging where they welcome differences.
  • Customer Obsessed: By listening and learning, Intel can anticipate customer needs. Customer success is Intel success.
  • One Intel: The success of the team is more important than individual success, and all staff appreciate, respect and trust each other.
  • Truth and Transparency: Staff are expected to constructively challenge, and be open, honest, and ethical with uncompromising integrity.
  • Quality: Reliable products and services alongside a safe workplace while delivering quality takes discipline.

These values are specifically designed to help Intel meet its overarching purpose - to 'create world-changing technology that enriches the life of every person on earth'.

Types Of Roles At Intel

There are many types of jobs available with Intel across a number of business areas, so applicants who are qualified and experienced are spoilt for choice. You can choose roles in:

  • Software
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Information Technology
  • Manufacturing and Facilities
  • SoC Design
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Business
  • Graphics
  • Silicon Photonics
  • Hardware

Hiring Process At Intel

The hiring process at Intel is understandably challenging, with many stages (depending on the role you have applied for).

Throughout the process, you will be kept up to date on the next steps through your job account, and can find out more about what to expect on the Intel Jobs site.

Intel Online Application

The online application starts with creating a profile - this collects all your personal data and information and is the hub of your application.

There is an applicant tool available which provides explanations and instructions to help you if you are unsure about the process.

You will need to upload a CV, so make sure that it is up to date with all your qualifications and experience, and tailor it to the job role so that it highlights the required skills and competencies mentioned in the advert.

There will be some pre-screening questions here to judge your eligibility and suitability - this helps to better match your experience and skills to open roles.

Once you have submitted your application form, you will receive an email confirmation - and then need to wait for the next step.

Intel Aptitude Tests

For some roles, you may be expected to take some aptitude tests. These are usually completed at home in your own time, and you will receive an email link for the assessments that the job requires.

Intel Numerical Reasoning Tests

Numerical reasoning tests are an assessment of your ability to read, understand, and manipulate information provided as data in tables, graphs, or charts. This is not necessarily a test of your mathematical ability, although there may be some questions that require you to perform calculations using basic operators (multiplication, addition, division, and subtraction) and you are expected to have some knowledge of working with percentages, ratios and fractions.

Numerical reasoning tests are usually timed, with multiple-choice answers, and the data presented tends to be related to the job role that you have applied for - so if you are going for a role in the finance team, you can expect to deal with money-related questions.

Intel Verbal Reasoning Tests

A good grasp of English spelling, grammar and sentence structure is being assessed in verbal reasoning tests. You will need to quickly read, understand and analyse information presented as a paragraph of text, usually related to the job role that you have applied for.

The paragraph is usually followed by a question and multiple choice answers. Sometimes the question is framed as a statement and you will need to decide if it is true, false, or you cannot say based on the given information. Other questions might be about spelling, grammar, or tone of voice.

No previous knowledge is needed for verbal reasoning questions, and in fact all the information you need to correctly answer the questions is provided in the text. To be successful here you need to have good knowledge of business-related English and be able to read quickly and accurately.

Intel Diagrammatic / Logical Reasoning Tests

Logical thinking is an important trait for many roles at Intel, and this is assessed through a series of questions based on diagrams or images.

Diagrammatic reasoning assessments test your ability to find the relationship between a series of objects in order to find the one that is missing in the sequence. This is sometimes known as abstract reasoning, and is challenging for many people because you are faced with unfamiliar patterns and need to determine the rules that dictate how the shapes relate to one another.

This is an assessment of your inductive reasoning skills, which combine aspects of problem solving, critical thinking, and decision making using limited information.

Again, these tests are most often timed, and the answers are likely to be multiple choice.

Intel Telephone Interview

If you perform well in the aptitude tests, you will be invited for a telephone interview with a member of the recruitment team. This will be structured as a conversation to get to know you better, discuss your CV and experience, and also answer some more technical questions.

The technical questions will relate directly to the role that you have applied for - so if you are going for the position of Software Engineer, you can expect some probing about your knowledge of various coding languages etc.

The recruiter will ask behavioural questions, looking for examples of your competencies. These will usually be in relation to the values of Intel, but also any competencies that are mentioned in the job advert.

To make a good impression with the behavioural questions, preparation is important. Consider thinking of examples where you have dealt with a situation that required a competency mentioned in the job description, or a scenario that demonstrates your personal values aligning with the company values above.

There will be space in this interview for you to ask questions, so think of some insightful questions to ask based on your research of the business.

Intel Assessment Centre

The Assessment Centre is an opportunity for the recruitment team (and often line managers) to be able to see candidates in action.

Usually lasting a whole day and hosted at a local office, the assessment centre features several candidates at once, sometimes for different roles, and puts applicants through their paces in a number of different activities and exercises.

It is important to remember that you are continually being assessed throughout the day, so keep the Intel values in mind as you go through the assessments.

You can expect to take part in a group exercise where communication, teamwork, listening and leadership are all being assessed. This usually consists of a case study to discuss and/or a task that needs to be completed.

There will also be an individual in-tray exercise (sometimes known as an e-tray exercise). Individually, you will be provided with a simulation of an email inbox, and you will be expected to go through and deal with the emails while other jobs are coming in. It is not expected that you will complete this task, but it is a good demonstration of your ability to prioritise.

During the assessment centre, you will have face-to-face interviews often with the recruitment team and line managers. These will feature both technical and behavioural questions, much like the telephone interview.

What Is It Like To Work At Intel?

Working at Intel has many benefits, which is why it is a destination career for many people in the technology industry. Not only are employees at the leading edge of technology, but Intel provides investment into personal and professional development.

The diverse workplace is indicative of the international community, and Intel is always looking for ways to invest in green energy as well as medical and infrastructure technologies. They also only source materials from conflict-free zones, so you can work for a business that has a deep meaning and higher purpose.

Of course, one of the most important things for many candidates is the compensation package - and as a leader in technology, Intel offers what they consider 'best in class' compensation including pay, benefit programs, stock, retirement plans and bonuses.

Other perks include:

  • Life-long learning
  • Job rotations
  • Relocation packages
  • Health plans
  • Wellness programmes
  • Employee Assistance Programmes
  • Flexible work options
  • Extra holiday
  • Family/medical/military leave

Top Tips To Getting Hired At Intel

Don't Apply To Everything

When you make an application to Intel, your career profile will have all the details about each application - and the recruitment team will also have this information so they will know if you have applied to multiple roles.

This is not a great idea because Intel wants to be certain that you have thoroughly researched the position that you have applied for so that you know what is expected of you.

Choose one role at a time.

Do Your Homework Before Your Interview

Intel expects you to know all you can about the role, about the business, and about the wider industry too.

There are several places you can get information; including from the company website and by following Intel on social media. Intel has a company blog designed for job hunters which is a great place to learn more

Read widely, make notes, and use the information you find to craft thoughtful questions for the interview process.

Network Your Way Into A Career Opportunity

There is an old saying that 'it isn't what you know, it's who you know'. This is quite fitting at Intel, as they prefer to hire from employee referrals. That means that if you can get recommended by someone that already works at Intel, you already have a great chance of getting that perfect role.

Make use of sites like LinkedIn, where you can see whether any of your connections are in position at Intel and could refer you.

Sample Intel Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

An employee presents two different approaches to improve processing efficiency. The first approach may double efficiency but risks system stability. The second approach offers a moderate increase with minimal risk. How should the employee evaluate which approach to recommend?

  • Choose the first approach to maximize immediate gains.
  • Choose the second approach to avoid any potential disruptions.
  • Assess the tolerance for risk and prioritize accordingly.
  • Consult only the technical team before deciding.
  • Recommendation should be based entirely on cost savings.

A technology firm invests $500,000 in research and development at the beginning of the year. By the end of the year, this investment increases in value by 20%. How much is the investment worth at year's end?

  • $500,000
  • $550,000
  • $600,000
  • $750,000
  • $1,000,000

What can be inferred from the statement: 'Most hardware engineers prefer to work with updated software kernels to optimize performance'?

  • Performance is not affected by the software kernel version.
  • Updated software kernels are available only to hardware engineers.
  • Obsolete software kernels can hinder performance.
  • Software kernels are irrelevant to hardware engineers.

A project team has five tasks that must be completed in order. If the third task takes three times as long as the second task, which takes twice as long as the first task, which statement is correct?

  • The first and second tasks take the same amount of time.
  • The third task is the quickest to complete.
  • The first task is the quickest to complete.
  • The second and third tasks take the same amount of time.

During a team meeting, it is observed that when product managers propose a new feature, the software developers often respond with questions about user demand and data privacy. What is the most likely explanation for this pattern?

  • Product managers often overlook technical challenges.
  • Developers are resistant to developing new features.
  • Developers are considering practical implementation concerns.
  • There is a lack of effective communication between roles.

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Intel Assessments Tips

Know Your Tech Giants

Before you dive into the specifics of test prep, take a moment to understand the titan of the tech industry you're aiming for. Intel isn't just any company; it's a pioneer in the semiconductor space, renowned for innovation and high-performance products. This means that their hiring process is likely to focus on detail, precision, and strategic thinking. Familiarize yourself with Intel's history, its products, and the kinds of technical challenges they solve. This knowledge will help you tackle their exam questions with the context in mind and show them that you're not just technically capable, but also invested in their mission.

Get Comfortable with Complexity

Intel roles span from manufacturing to software, each requiring a unique set of skills and knowledge. Expect the practice exams at Techtest to reflect this diversity and complexity. Don't be satisfied with mastering just one area; diversify your practice to be prepared for anything. Delve into questions that challenge your problem-solving abilities across various domains, similar to what you'd face when applying for a job at Intel. Effectively demonstrating your adaptability and multidisciplinary knowledge can set you apart from other candidates.

Accuracy Over Speed

When practicing for Intel's application process, prioritize getting the answers right above all else. Quality of response is vital in a sector where errors can have significant consequences. Use the practice tests on Techtest to hone your ability to work through problems systematically and accurately under time constraints. Develop a strategy for checking your work, and when it comes time for the actual test, you'll be confident in your answers and less prone to mistakes.

Simulate Real Exam Conditions

One of the best ways to prepare is to simulate the testing environment you'll experience during Intel's hiring process. Create a quiet space, set a timer, and take full-length practice exams without interruptions. The closer your practice conditions are to the real thing, the less daunting the actual exam will be. Techtest's full-suite practice exams are designed to mirror the kind of tests you'll encounter, giving you a realistic taste of what's to come and helping you to manage test-day jitters.

Review and Reflect

After each practice test on Techtest, thoroughly review your answers, especially the ones you got wrong. Reflection is key to learning and improvement. Dive into the explanations to understand where you went astray and make note of patterns in your errors. This introspection isn't just about correcting mistakes; it's about evolving your approach and thought processes for when similar challenges pop up on the actual test day at Intel.

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Intel Assessments FAQs

What Do You Need To Know To Work At Intel?

The more you know about the position you have applied for, Intel as a business, and the wider technological community, the better your chances of getting hired.

The recruitment team wants to see that you are confident and passionate about Intel, rather than just wanting 'any job'.

Throughout the application princess, keep in mind the values and you will be able to impress the hiring team with your suitability.

How Hard Is It To Get Hired At Intel?

As a leading Silicon Valley tech business, Intel offers a great place to work for all employees. This means that for some roles, the application process is competitive and tough.

If you are suitably qualified, have the right experience, and can demonstrate the skills and aptitudes needed for the role, then you can expect to get through at least the paper sift.

Give yourself the best chance by practicing aptitude tests, preparing for interviews by thinking of good examples, and presenting yourself as confident, passionate and inclusive throughout the process.

How Much Do Intel Employees Get Paid?

The pay rates for Intel employees depends on both the role and the seniority, with interns getting about £17,000 a year and senior employees making six-figure salaries.

An important part of the Intel compensation scheme is bonuses, which can be thousands of pounds a year depending on performance.

Why Should I Work For Intel?

Intel as a company is a leader in semiconductor technology, and is also investing heavily into research and development of innovative new technologies like AI, automated vehicles, data centres and memory.

With leading pay and benefits as well as a chance to work at the leading edge of technology, it is no surprise that working for Intel is a popular choice of career.