Stripe Assessments

Prepare for the Stripe recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Getting a job at Stripe

Stripe is a technology company that provides online payment processing services for businesses and individuals. Stripe was founded in 2010 with more than 4,000 employees across 14 offices.

Stripe allows businesses to accept payments online without the need for a merchant account or a payment gateway. Stripe also offers fraud detection, recurring billing, and other features. Stripe is used by major companies such as Facebook, Lyft, Shopify, and Kickstarter.

If you're looking for a job in the tech industry, you may want to consider Stripe.

Stripe Values

Stripe is looking for people who are passionate about their work and who are constantly learning and growing.

The Stripe company values are simple yet effective. They are based on the following four pillars: transparency, respect, fairness, and honesty.

Transparency is key at Stripe. The company is open and honest with its employees, customers, and partners. This pillar of the company values ensures that everyone knows what is going on within the organization.

Respect is another important value at Stripe. The company treats its employees, customers, and partners with respect. This value ensures that everyone feels valued and appreciated.

Fairness and honesty are the final key values at Stripe. The company strives to be fair and honest in all its dealings with employees, customers, and partners.

Types Of Roles At Stripe

There are many different types of roles at Stripe. Some of the most popular roles include customer support, product development, and marketing.

Customer support roles at stripe include helping customers with their accounts, troubleshooting technical issues, and providing general customer service.

Product development roles at stripe involve working on new features and products for the company, as well as maintaining and improving existing products.

Marketing roles at stripe encompass a wide range of activities, from creating marketing campaigns to conducting market research to managing social media accounts.

Hiring Process At Stripe

The hiring process at Stripe is simple, efficient, and effective. Here's how it works:

  • Online application
  • Phone interview
  • Technical interview
  • Onsite interview

Based on the interviews, the Stripe team makes their final decision and extends an offer to the candidate they believe is the best fit for the position.

The whole process typically takes about two weeks from start to finish, and Stripe is proud of its high success rate in finding great candidates through this process.

Stripe Online Application

To be considered for a position with Stripe, you will need to submit an online application. Stripe is very selective when it comes to hiring, so make sure your resume is top-notch.

In your application, you will be asked to provide your contact information, employment history, and education. You will also be required to submit a resume and cover letter.

Once your application has been received, it will be reviewed by the hiring manager. If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted to participate in a telephone interview

Stripe Telephone interview

The phone screen interview lasts 30-minutes and involves an informal chat with a recruiter from Stripe.

This is an opportunity for the recruiter to get to know you and your qualifications, and it allows you to ask questions about the company and the position.

You should try to prepare for common questions such as what your goals are, and why you're interested in the position.

Also, take the time to ask questions. Your phone screen is also an opportunity to get information from the recruiter. Ask about the company culture, the team you'd be working with, and what the next steps in the process would be.

Stripe Video Interview

If you have applied for a technical role you will likely be required to participate in a technical interview. The technical interview lasts approximately 60 minutes via video call with a technical employee such as a software engineer or programmer.

You will be given an algorithmic challenge, technical aptitude test or a UI problem depending on the role. It can be helpful to practice a range of different aptitude tests which assess your problem-solving skills such as logical reasoning.

Stripe Take-home Task

Stripe often provides take-home tasks for select job roles as it is a great way to assess a potential employee's skills and abilities.

The task can vary but will often focus on something that a candidate will likely encounter on the job. For example, if you're applying for a marketing position, you might be given the most recent annual report and asked to identify areas where you think marketing could be improved.

Stripe Onsite Interview

The onsite interview is the final part of the interview process and involves a site visit to the Stripe offices. This is a chance for Stripe to assess how you interact with other employees and how you handle yourself in the workplace.

Be sure to dress professionally and be prepared to answer questions about your experience and why you're interested in the position.

Use the STAR method to structure your answers when asked behavioral questions.

What is it like to work at Stripe?

If you're looking for a place where you can have an impact, Stripe is the place for you. They are a young company and growing fast. That means there are always new challenges to tackle and new things to learn.

Stripe is a fun place to work, and the team is passionate about what they do. Stripe believes in the power of technology to make commerce more accessible for everyone - they're building Stripe to help make that happen.

Top Tips For Getting Hired At Stripe

While there are many different ways to get hired at a company, there are some key things that you can do to increase your chances of getting hired at Stripe.

1. Understand the mission, values, and culture

First and foremost, it is important to research the company and understand its mission, values, and culture. This will not only help you determine if Stripe is the right fit for you but will also give you a leg up in the interview process.

2. Prepare for the assessments

There are a few challenging assessments associated with the Stripe hiring process - most of these are role dependent but it can be useful to practice problem-solving tests to become familiar with the format.

Spatial, logical, and abstract reasoning are challenging problem-solving tests that can be worth practicing to prepare for similar assessments at Stripe.

3. Be ready to discuss why you're interested in working for Stripe specifically

When applying for a job at Stripe, be prepared to discuss why you're interested in working for the company specifically. This means being familiar with Stripe's mission and values, and how your skills and experience align with what they're looking for.

Do your research ahead of time so you can speak confidently about why you would be a good fit for the team. Be ready to share examples of times when you've excelled in customer service, teamwork, or other relevant areas.

Convey your enthusiasm for the role and what you could bring to it. Show that you have a genuine interest in Stripe by asking thoughtful questions about the company and its roadmap.

4. Highlight your relevant skills and experience

It is crucial to have a strong resume and cover letter that highlight your skills and qualifications. Be sure to tailor your resume and cover letter to Stripe specifically, emphasizing why you would be a good fit for the company.

5. Practice your answers to common interview questions

Make sure you ace the interview! Prepare ahead of time by coming up with answers to common interview questions and practicing behavioral interviewing techniques.

Sample Stripe Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

While analyzing fraudulent activities, an analyst notes that there is a pattern to the times at which suspicious transactions occur: 12 AM, 3 AM, 6 AM, and 9 AM. Based on this pattern, when is the next expected time for a possible fraudulent transaction to occur?

  • 10 AM
  • 11 AM
  • 12 PM
  • 1 PM

An online payment company processes 500 transactions in an hour. If the number of transactions increases by 15% every hour, how many transactions will be processed after 3 hours?

  • 654
  • 691
  • 725
  • 787

A developer team launches a new feature that is supposed to decrease payment processing time by 25%. If the original time was 8 seconds per transaction, what is the new processing time per transaction after the improvement?

  • 2 seconds
  • 4 seconds
  • 6 seconds
  • 5 seconds

Consider a sequence where each letter represents a different transaction status: A for approved, R for rejected, and P for pending. If a set of transactions follows this sequence: ARPAARP, what would be the next two characters if the pattern continues?

  • RR
  • AA
  • PP
  • AP

A string of symbols: @#$@#$$@# repeats in a sequence. If the sequence represents an encryption of transaction IDs following this pattern, which symbol would be 15th in the sequence?

  • @
  • #
  • $
  • None of the above

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Stripe Assessments Tips

Understand Stripe's Tools

Get comfortable with online payment systems and how they operate, since Stripe's assessments may revolve around the fundamentals of its services.

Problem Solving Skills

Stripe values innovative thinkers, so brush up on your problem-solving and logical reasoning abilities.

Brush Up on Coding

If you're applying for a tech role, revising key programming concepts could benefit you greatly.

Practice Makes Perfect

The best way to excel is through practice. At Techtest, you can tackle free practice tests tailored to Stripe's hiring process.

Level up

Choose the package that works for you.


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  • 9 Aptitude packages
  • 40 Admissions packages
  • 99 Employer packages
  • 16 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources

  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips and resources

Stripe Assessments FAQs

What are the Stripe tests?

Stripe tests are designed to evaluate candidates' competencies in areas relevant to their job functions, ranging from coding skills for developers to payment processing knowledge for support roles.

Are the Stripe tests hard?

Stripe tests can be challenging, as they are meant to ensure that potential employees possess the skills necessary to thrive within a fast-paced and innovative tech environment.

How do I prepare for Stripe tests?

Your best strategy is to practice. At Techtest, we have a variety of practice tests that mirror the types of questions you can expect from Stripe, giving you a solid preparation ground.

How long does the recruitment process take at Stripe?

While it can vary depending on the role and other factors, the recruitment process at Stripe is thorough and may take several weeks from application to final decision.

What are Stripe's core values?

Stripe's core values emphasize smart, creative problem-solving, transparency, and a user-centric approach while encouraging a culture of innovation and collaboration.